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Organizing a gathering exclusively for your clan is essential. It is the time when you get to know your relatives better and create a bond that only people belonging to the same family tree understand. This event is also a great avenue for everyone to look back and see what the clan has accomplished throughout the years. Clan reunions simply unify and strengthen your expanding family tree. So what is your plan for the next gathering? If you are one of those clans who are planning to celebrate in Manila, then this article is perfect for you. Here are few of the major questions to consider in your plan.




Who will attend?

Get in touch with all your relatives. Today, you have many ways to do this. However, the most effective is by creating a Facebook group. Not all of them might have an account, but at least it’s easy to manage. You can just request later on that each family must join the social group in order to get regular updates. Once all are in, determine those who can attend together with their preferred schedule. For those who can’t, exert an effort to know why and offer a solution.


When will it be?

One of common challenges in organizing clan gatherings is finalizing the schedule. Some might already have a plan with specific dates while others might be very busy. In order to increase the chance of their attendance, negotiation is important. Now, this has to be done by the group. So, for instance, five of your relatives are having a hard time to insert the reunion in their schedule, know the reasons why and talk to them through a meeting. The rest of your clan is ready to sacrifice something just so everyone can attend.


Where will it happen?

When finding a venue, you have to make sure that it can easily be found, especially if you have relatives who are first-timers in Manila. Hotels or resorts located within the city center are some of the best options. Another factor is affordability and quality. Is the venue worth it for the price? One more consideration is the amenities. Does it offer family-friendly features or facilities? How do they make sure that everyone is safe?


Who will do the many tasks?

Create a committee. Ask someone to take charge on each of the major tasks such as budgeting, negotiating with the venue owner, searching for the premier catering in Manila, booking for a bus rental agency and securing flight promos, planning the activities, and looking for a great sound and entertainment provider.


Once you have the answers to all these questions, you can then proceed to the miscellaneous matters such as the theme, invitation, souvenirs and more.